Ouch Patrol Outreach / Fundraiser Bags

Imagine raising money for your church, school or organization while spreading the love of Jesus and expanding the Kingdom of God at the same time! Well now you can with our

Ouch PatrolTM  Outreach / Fundraiser Bags!
Do community outreach while fundraising for your church, school or organization. Spread the Good News to a Child who is hurting. Our Ouch Patrol Bags make a perfect gift for a child in the hospital or having surgery. Be blessed for being a blessing!

The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear it if the spirit is crushed? Proverbs 18:14

What is an Ouch Patrol Bag?
An Ouch Patrol Bag is the perfect way for your church, school or organization to help a child in need while raising funds for your ministry. An Ouch Patrol Bag includes a My Hospital Journal or a My Surgery Journal (selected by your organization), a box of crayons, and a prayer card. Each journal includes daily questions about how they feel, a place to draw, an imagination sequence to help them focus on something other than pain and a daily uplifting Bible Verse. The Ouch Patrol is a colorful group of caricatures that will help the child to communicate their feelings to their parents, doctors and nurses. This is a great outreach tool not only for kids, but for families as well!

There are very few programs out there that allow you to raise funds for your organization while effectively reaching and growing the Kingdom of God.  Outlined below is the potential earnings your group can receive. Just tell everyone you know about this amazing way to reach kids in need and see if they would like to sponsor a bag.

Potential Earnings
For every bag that you have sponsored you earn back a percentage per bag for your church, school or organization.  For example, if your church gets 1000 bags sponsored then your church will earn back $6.00 of the $15.00 for a $6,000 profit.  For each bag sponsored above 1000 you continue to earn back $6.00 a bag. If your organization does a smaller fundraiser and gets 30 bags sponsored your organization will earn $90.00. For more questions regarding earning potential please call Ouch Patrol Headquarters.   

                                 Earnings Chart
      25 Bags or more = $3.00 a bag     ex. 25 = $75
      50 Bags or more = $3.50 a bag     ex. 50 = $150
    100 Bags or more = $4.00 a bag     ex. 100 = $400
    250 Bags or more = $5.00 a bag     ex. 250 = $1,250
    500 Bags or more = $5.50 a bag     ex. 500 = $2, 750
1,000  Bags or more = $6.00 a bag     ex. 1,000 = $6,000

Order your FREE starter kit today!

Steps to a Great Ouch Patrol Bag Fundraising / Outreach program
Step 1: Pray! Seek God’s direction for a great fundraiser /outreach program.
Step 2:
Order your FREE starter kit!
Step 3:
Assemble a team that who will pray, help organize, sell and distribute the bags.
Step 4:
Choose where you’d like to distribute your bags. Ideas could be your local children's hospital, urgent care center or surgery center. Call the organization of your choice to find out their procedure on donations and what the age restrictions are for visitors. Some hospitals require visitors to be 18-years-old.  Set a date with the organization for delivery and possible distribution of the bags.
Step 5:
Announce, promote and ask family, friends and co-workers to sponsor a child in need with an Ouch Patrol Bag. Bags are $15 each.
Step 6:
At least 3 weeks before your delivery date order your bags through Ouch Patrol HQ. Learn how much your organization has earned!
Step 7:
Check shipments for quantities and quality. Get a team to assemble bags for delivery. Assembly is quick and easy. Add personalized greeting cards from your organization or sign the autograph page in the back of the books.
Step 8:
Deliver bags to kids and watch the smiles brighten up their day and yours. Show them the love of Christ through your words and actions.
Step 9:
Celebrate what God has done for your organization and for the children you impacted. Praise God for a successful Ouch Patrol Bag program!

Email or call us today for your free 
Ouch PatrolTM Outreach / Fundraiser starter kit!
Ouch Patrol Headquarters
224 Rockmill St. Delaware, OH 43015

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All material on this website is copyrighted by k2e Books, Inc., except for some material that is copyrighted by others and used here by permission. Copyrighted material may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise used for any purpose without the written permission of k2e Books, Inc. The Ouch Patrol is a Trademark of k2e Books, Inc.