Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Ouch Patrol

The Ouch Patrol
NOTICE: All images and content are copyright and trademarked by k2e Books, 2010. 

The Ouch Patrol is a colorful group of kids geared to relate to children struggling from an illness.Each Ouch Patrol kid understands what it is like to be afraid and in pain. When a child who is under the weather has a figure they can relate to it can open avenues of communication and inspire hope. Here are six kids created to comfort a sick child in need.

BEN lives with autism. That means that his five senses do not work like other children's do. Ben has a special helper called an Occupational Therapist that teaches him how to use his senses. He has to eat special foods and takes a lot of vitamins. He loves to play with puzzles and is great at reading.

JOEY has Asthma. He has to carry an inhaler with him wherever he goes in case he has a difficult time breathing. Joey has to go to the emergency room to receive breathing treatments when his breathing gets too bad for his inhaler. Joey focuses on his school work and watching his favorite baseball team, the Atlanta Braves.

LUCY'S heart beats to a different drum. She was born with a heart defect that causes her heart to beat differently than other kids. Lucy is awaiting an operation that will allow her to feel better. Until then she loves to read and spends time with her pet hamster, Freddy.

CHRISTIAN has leukemia. He is tired a lot and bruises easily.Christian currently has hair but he lost it for a while when he was receiving chemotherapy treatments. Christian also has to take medication that makes his stomach upset. He loves basketball and listening to music on his MP3 player.

MADDIE has a disease called Cystic Fibrosis. This means that her lungs have to work harder than most kids do. She goes to the hospital every year to receive a "tune up", which is not very fun but usually makes her feel better. Maddie enjoys drawing pictures of her favorite things, Teddy Bears and Disney World.

ZACH has Diabetes. His pancreas doesn't work as well as it should. He has to watch what he eats and has to have shots every day to make him feel better. Zach wants to be a movie star when he grows up. When he watches of his favorite show's he pretends to be the star.

The Ouch Patrol is a Trade Mark of k2e Books, Inc.
Copyright  ©  2010 by Katie Kinsella & Erin Coss 
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